
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Force Windows 7 for a Faster Shutdown

It is really annoying Windows 7 starts up so quickly but it does not shutdown as quickly as it should be. It needs to close all background programs and running processes and the shuts down the computer. Let us see how we can make Windows 7 to shutdown faster.

This happens to everyone after closing all programs you will click shutdown button and you go away from Computer thinking that Computer will be shutdown but that’s not the case after some time when you see your Computer,  it will be still powered on and Windows 7  showing background programs needs to close click Force Shutdown to shutdown your Computer. By default Windows 7  waits for 12 seconds to kill all the running processes while shutting down Windows. By lowering this time period to 5 seconds or less we can make Windows 7 to shutdown faster.

Forcing Windows 7 shutdown faster without waiting for background programs to close:

1.Click start  and type “regedit”  and make sure you run registry editor as administrator.

2.Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control and double click WaitToKillServiceTimeout entry on the right side and enter its value as 5000 (5 seconds ) or to lower to that.

3.Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop , on the right pane create new string value named WaitToKillAppTimeout and give its value as 5000.If that string already exists then double click it and enter its value as 5000 or lower to that.

Don’t enter too lower values you at least need to give some chance for programs to close.
Restart your Computer for changes to take affect and you will observe definite speed in Windows 7  shutdown next time.

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